Perspective Divide
Simple image for expalan Perspective Divide:
In our goal, we need to find out the P' of x and y which are projected from 3D world. The Z is the key.
Find P' x
Find P' y
Feel bad for my handwriting :(
But Based on forumlar we know, the Z with X and Y relationship)
If in the left hand coordinte, the bigger Z and the X' and Y' will become smaller
If in the right hand coordinte, the smaller Z, the X and Y will become smaller.
Define 3D vector
typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } vec3_t;
Define the camera.
vec3_t camera_position = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .z = -5 };
create an 3D cube as 9 x 9 x 9 cube by using 3D vector.
vec3_t cube_points[9 * 9 * 9]; for(float x = -1; x <= 1; x += 0.25) { for(float y = -1; y <= 1; y += 0.25) { for(float z = -1; z <= 1; z += 0.25) { vec3_t point = { .x = x, .y = y, .z = z}; // c99 format cube_points[point_count++] = point; } } }
projection function:
vec2_t project(vec3_t point) { vec2_t projected_point = { .x = (fov * point.x) / point.z, .y = (fov * point.y) / point.z }; return projected_point; } for(int i = 0; i < (9 * 9 * 9); i++) { vec3_t point = cube_points[i]; // adjust each point Z to smaller distance with our screen, in our coordinte, the X and Y will become smaller. point.z -= camera_position.z; // Project the current point vec2_t projected_point = project(point); // Save the projected 2D vector in the array projected_points[i] = projected_point; }
Prove that the Z can effect the X and y. We adjust the Z value on each game loop.
camera_position.z += 0.001;
Resources: pikuma course